Our Products


Fiber or fibre is a natural or synthetic substance that is significantly longer than it is wide. Fibers are often used in the manufacture of other materials. The strongest engineering materials often incorporate fibers, for example carbon fiber and ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene.


  • 1. Color : Brown
  • 2. Pack Size : 120Kg
  • 3. Packaging Type : Bale Pressed
  • 4. Application : Carpets, Mats, Mattress
  • 5. Fibre Diameter : 10 to 20 micro meter
  • 6. Raw Material : Coconut Husk


Cocopeat Block is used as growing media. the water holding capacity is very very high and the porocity is more so root penetration will be very intense and hence plant growth will be great. The soil conditioner is suitable for all types of garden plants, lawns, flowers, orchids, bonsais and vegetables in pots or on the ground


  • 1. Type : Coco Peat-Blocks
  • 2. Weight : 5kg
  • 3. Compression ratio 5 : 1
  • 4. Electrical Conductivity 0.5ms/cm
  • 5. pH 5.2 to 6.8


Coconut Husk are Chopped into small pieces and compressed in required size of block. This has combination of peat & Fibre which has a high water holding capacity.


  • 1. Type : Husk Chips
  • 2. Weight : 5kg
  • 3. Compression ratio 5 : 1
  • 4. Moiture 15% to 20%
  • 5. Color Green or Brown
  • 6.Electrical Conductivity 0.5ms/cm
  • 7. pH 6 to 75


A growbag is a large plastic bag filled with a growing medium and used for growing plants, usually tomatoes or other salad crops.


  • 1. Type : Grow bags
  • 2. Packing : UV Treated Poly Bag
  • 3. Compression ratio 5 : 1
  • 4. Mixture 70% Cocopeat
  • 5. Electrical Conductivity : L1[if required can be given High EC also]
  • 6. pH 6 to 75